David McleodAboutShop

David McLeod is an Australian artist & designer.

Creating still and moving image, David’s work is driven by a curiosity for exploring new visual territories in CG.

He has had the pleasure of working with a variety of clients, including: Apple, Nike, Dropbox, Toyota, Adobe, Wacom, Diesel, Calvin Klein, Omega, Mastercard, Canon, Greenpeace and Wired.

Toyota Mirai

Creative Director: David Gibson
Design Director: Devin Croda
Art Director: Daniël Sumarna
Art Producer: Bianca Escobar

Over the course of 2015 I worked with the team at Droga5 New York to create a series of type treatments used in the Toyota: Fueled by Everything campaign for the release of the Mirai, their first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

The Fueled by Everything campaign is focused around a series of docu-style films inspired by the fact that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Each episode explores an unexpected source of hydrogen to be used as a fuel source for the Mirai, including Cow manure, Creek water (Oil Creek was the location of the first oil well in the USA) and Lemonade.

The 4th and final type treatment was based on the Back To The Future move titles. This episode explores trash as a fuel source and featured the cast Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

All content is copyrighted © 2024 by DAVID MCLEOD. All rights reserved.